Mergers, Acquisitions and "Joint Ventures"

These activities are becoming more and more widespread as businesspeople attempt to grasp the global opportunities the market has to offer.

MERGER of a company due to fatigue, to the need to achieve, to the desire to cede a business at its peak or during a crisis;

ACQUISITION of a company as a way to extend one's range of products or to increase one’s market share; as a means to diversify and to match competition with a greater chance of success, or to reach a higher turnover in order to achieve a stock market quotation;

"JOINT-VENTURE" by several companies as a collaborative agreement to achieve a common goal, especially for initiatives to be implemented abroad. Mattiroli Associati offers its entire experience and works side-by-side with the client, starting with an analysis of the firms potentially interested in buying or selling, down to the initial exploratory meetings and the verifications required to define a merger or acquisition.

06128 PERUGIA - VIA MARTIRI DEI LAGER, 58 Tel. +39-0755001250 / Fax +39-0755001252 E-mail:
Società autorizzata dal Ministero del Lavoro e Politiche Sociali per l'attività di ricerca e selezione del personale (Prot. n°5753 del 23/02/2007)